Research review: staying young and injury free in the long run? The first confirms endurance, the second speed and the last brings both together. Luckily at the end of a mile, it is only a few short minutes of pain versus miles of pain if one hits the wall in a marathon.” The twice-weekly workouts in our one-mile training blueprint represent a balanced mix of strength (hills), stamina (tempo runs) and speed (intervals) aimed at preparing you to run your best mile. Run 15 min., walk 5 min., run 15min., walk 5 min. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to ensure their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based on credible science. First breaks into this domain have been unexpectedly spectacular. Aerobic running comes in many guises. Although a man of 40 years of age, Eamonn Coghlan, has run a mile in under four minutes, achieving this feat is still a major accomplishment denied to tens of thousands of other athletes. Copyright • Disclaimer • Privacy & cookies • Site info. Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and case studies to support findings, Peak Performance turns proven insights into easily digestible practical advice. For example, John Buckner (GB) went from 4:02 for the distance to 3:53 in one quantum leap. Off Walk 1 mile. How we test gear. Arthur Lydiard (NZ) advocated building up to 100 miles a week of steady running for 10 weeks, followed by six weeks of extensive, fartlek-type hill running. This, of course, works in reverse. Fat Burning: using body fat instead of carbohydrates as fuel. Q-factor: keep it low for efficiency and comfort. Run 3 min., walk 2 min. That is just the right amount of mileage so you are not too tired to run your afternoon workouts well. The difference in actual execution is 4secs per 400m, or 16secs per mile. Walk 5 minutes. The maximum for runners is around 82mls/kg/min. Some runners crash through the barrier, while others creep across it. Research review: temper, temper to enhance performance? He had a vitamin B complex deficiency, and when it was corrected he had no difficulty in running several sub-four miles. Two decades ago it was 24. He suffered all his athletic life from asthma. Half-marathon pace work just gets into the pathway at the slower end, while the athlete’s 3K speed occupies the other faster, predominantly aerobic pathway. N.B. Using the previous calculations, his combined 800m time was only 14secs short of his mile time. Said Aouita’s best mile is 3:46.76, his 800m time is 1:43.86 – 19.04secs short. We are now in a position to compile a programme based on physiological data to break the four-minute barrier for the mile: DAY 1 (Aerobic, 80% VO2max). He started at page 1 and did precisely what was written, becoming the only man on the African continent to duck under the barrier. Run 5 min., walk 2 min. The 1,500m gold medal escaped him in two Olympics. The 800m time appears to have a direct effect on miling aspirations. Day 4 - (Anaerobic, 130% VO2 max). He started each track season with an indoor race at 3K in under eight minutes. It was his one and only sub-four run, whereas Steve Scott (USA) has chalked up 100 runs inside the time. Example: best mile time 4:10, run 5:14 / mile or as near as possible to this. It has to be admitted that he was always close to it with a previous best of 4mins.00.9. Sebastian Coe devoted his winter to weight-training three times a week, hill running and a session at his estimated 5km pace (13:20). Seb Coe’s best mile is 3:47.33; his 800m time, 1:41.73, when doubled, is 23.87secs short of his mile figure. Day 7 - (Anaerobic). Example: best mile 4:10, run 4:58/mile. Thus we have a range of 14-19secs deficit to measure miling potential. Research review: best warm ups for strength training. Sometimes it is things like this that make the difference between success and failure. 2 X 1 X 400 + 1 X 800 + 1 X 300, at 15secs per 100m throughout. It was his one and only sub-four run, whereas Steve Scott (USA) has chalked up 100 runs inside the time. 2 x 1 x 400 + 1 x 800 + 1 x 300, at 15 secs per 100m throughout. A sub-four-minute aspirant can do no better than look at the physiological make-up of the mile race. Runner's World participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. There is pure aerobic running: jogging - 100%, marathon speed - 98%. The important omitted factor in this case was his 3K time, 7mins.49secs. However, 1,200m in three minutes is 3:45 pace for 1,500m, which converts to a 4:03 mile. Research review: Which conditioning protocol for an ultra event? Opinions differ as to the preparatory work required leading up to the track season. in Endurance training, Strength, conditioning and flexibility, Training structure and planning, What strength and conditioning protocols can enhance ultramarathon performance?Peak Performance looks at some new evidence MORE, in Endurance training, Training structure and planning, Cycling and running are common off-season training modes for maintaining or building aerobic fitness, but which is best? Many athletes believe that the ability to run three minutes or just under for three circuits of a metric track puts them in line for a sub-four mile. Take 30 secs rest after 400m, 60secs rest after 800m and a lap walk after 300m before repeating. Off 17.5 miles In stark contrast, Bannister did only 28 miles a week in the winter, most of it on an ash track, five laps to the mile, consisting mainly of 10 X 440 yds in 66secs, with 440 yds jog recovery in a fast two minutes. It has to be admitted that he was always close to it with a previous best of 4:00.9. But all is not lost for the non-speedy athlete. Lydiard’s protege, Peter Snell, 16 years after Bannister’s best time of 3mins.58.8secs was to run 4.5secs faster on three-and-a-half times the quantity of training. One of my runners in 1970 had a reading of only 1:51 for 800m but he ran a 3:56 mile. The specific length of each of your phases will vary depending upon the overall length of your training or race season. Day 3 - (Aerobic, 90% VO2 max). Most athletes use phases of about 3 to 4 weeks in length. Some have attained their goal by unusual means. The 800m time appears to have a direct effect on miling aspirations. Gradually the sprint zone is extended by 100m a time util the entire third lap is sprinted. Ask the Coaches: Half Mile & Two Mile Training, Ask the Coaches: Training for 2-Mile Military Test, Ask the Coaches: Beginning (Again) Two Mile Training. But former mile record holder John Landy (Australia) cut it fine; his best 800m was only 1:51.3, yet he ran a 3:58 mile. ; do that 15-min. Study the physiological make-up of the mile A more meaningful time for three laps of a metric track is 2mins.55secs, which is 3mins.39secs speed for 1500m, or around 3mins.57secs for the mile. Day 2 - (Anaerobic, 110% VO2max). He was able to run 7 X 800m well under 2:08s with 45 secs rest. How much preparation? He started at page 1 and did precisely what was written, becoming the only man on the African continent to duck under the barrier. All full out, with 400m walk after each. Example: best mile time 4:02 (60.5/400), run 64.5/400, with 3mins rest after each. Q: Dear Coach,I am a Senior that has ran for about 4 years now. DAY 2 (Anaerobic, 110% VO2max). In this case it comes to 3mins.39.5secs, the equivalent of a 3mins.56.5secs/mile (adding 17secs to the 1500m time). Years ago, when 880yds was raced, it was accepted that a time of 1:52 was the minimum speed necessary. Sports psychology: self-confidence in sport – make your ego work for you. For example, John Buckner (GB) went from 4mins.02secs for the distance to 3mins.53secs in one quantum leap. Terry Sullivan (Southern Rhodesia, as was) bought a book written by Bannister's coach. Sprint training: getting older, staying fast! While the old-time milers made a point of running a three-quarters of a mile time trial each week (Jack Lovelock, 1936 Olympic 1500m gold medallist and world-record holder, wrote in his diary: ‘Running three minutes for three laps is becoming too easy), I have noticed a reluctance to do this even among good-class club athletes. The anaerobic requirement is as follows: 100m - 100%, 200m -95%, 400m - 83%, 800m - 67% and the mile - 50%. But former mile record holder John Landy (Australia) cut it fine; his best 800m was only 1:51.3, yet he ran a 3:58 mile. On hearing the result, Pirie screamed out ‘I’ve done, I’ve done it!’ and ran to each competitor in the race with the same message. Day 5 - (Aerobic, 95% VO2max). and ran to each competitor in the race with the same message. But there is also predominantly aerobic running: 10K speed – 90%, 5K speed – 80% and 3K speed – 60%. A: You are doing the perfect pattern of training with your slow, easy morning runs. Run half-marathon distance 64secs per mile slower than for one’s best mile time. If we take an average of these deficits it is 19.6secs, and if we apply that as a measure to one’s 800m time, we get an estimate of our miling potential, eg, 1:52/800m X 2 = 3:44 + 19 = 4:03. How Much Rest Should You Take Between Intervals? Many athletes believe that the ability to run three minutes or just under for three circuits of a metric track puts them in line for a sub-four mile. This, of course, is good tactical training; it helps in creating a 'break' and covering one. Week 4 - Walk 1 mile. Research review: new thinking on training load and injuries, Research review: Running shoe choice: a weighty matter. Track season has begun and I have been running the previous month. All full out, with 400m walk after each. This, of course, works in reverse. This training plan employs a simple, three-zone intensity scale: Easy is a comfortable jog that allows you to speak in full sentences without losing your breath. Interval recoveries: take a rest or keep on moving? Some have attained their goal by unusual means. There is pure aerobic running: jogging – 100%, marathon speed – 90%. DAY 5 (Aerobic, 95% VO2max). N.B. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, Why Slowing Down Can Help You Get Faster (Really! This 80 - 100% zone will rule out jogging and marathon pace running.

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