Passively managed funds hold a range of securities that, in the aggregate, approximates the full Index in terms of key risk factors and other characteristics. The data in “dividend paid out of net distributable income” and “dividend paid of out of capital” are just for reference only. This may cause the fund to experience tracking errors relative to performance of the index. A fund’s actual distribution rate will differ from the SEC yield and any income distributions from the fund may be higher or lower than the SEC yield. Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor's tax situation and may differ from those shown. Performance of an index is not illustrative of any particular investment. Performance data quoted represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Because ETFs trade like stocks at current market prices, shareholders may pay more than a fund’s NAV when purchasing fund shares and may receive less than a fund’s NAV when selling fund shares. The ChiNext Index is calculated by or on behalf of SSICL, which will adopt all necessary measures to ensure the accuracy of the ChiNext Index. any persons or bodies corporate under a duty of confidentiality to CSOP. Non-Hong Kong investors are responsible for observing all applicable laws and regulations of their relevant jurisdictions before proceeding to access the information contained herein. (Also known as Mid Price) The price between the best price of the sellers for a trading unit of a given security and the best price of the buyer of a trading unit of a given security. The material has not been reviewed by the SFC. 3033 The weighted harmonic average of current share price divided by the forecasted one year earnings per share for each security in the fund. (, Objectif d’Investissement: Amundi Index Solutions - Amundi MSCI World UCITS ETF C EUR Les investissements dans des valeurs mobilières sont soumis aux fluctuations du marché et à d'autres risques. To find out more about this, Afin de maintenir la cohérence des données de rapport fournies par divers gestionnaires d'actifs, les points de données présentés sont générés au moyen de la méthode de calcul exclusive à Morningstar détaillée dans le lien suivant. Hong Kong. Negative and positive outliers are included in the calculation. Market Price of last reported trade on the exchange. Le fonds Amundi-Pioneer USD Short Term noté Neutral, Investir à bas coût : 5 fonds actions Etats-Unis Gdes Cap. Represents the volume of shares traded on the ETF's primary exchange throughout the previous business day. Persons interested in investing in the ETF should read the relevant fund offering documents (including the full text of the risk factors stated therein) in detail before making any investment decision. Any exceptions are noted. However, we will not be able to provide you with the services and products you may require unless you provide us with the necessary personal data or information. Each employee of CSOP must abide by our commitment to privacy in the handling of personal information. Content on this site is approved for Investment Professional use only. name and address, occupation, contact details, date of birth, their identity card or passport numbers; current employer, nature of position, relevant income of clients; details of financial status of clients; and. The index returns are reflective of the KBW Regional Banking Index from fund inception until 10/24/2011 and of the S&P Regional Banks Select Industry Index effective 10/24/2011. We may, subject to the Ordinance, impose a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request. Change of the closing price in RMB and HKD traded units indicate change of closing price since previous SEHK trading day. The 30-day SEC yield is calculated with a standardized formula mandated by the SEC. This information should not be considered a recommendation to invest in a particular sector or to buy or sell any security shown. Information beginning June 1, 2020, including yield and holdings data, reflect the index change. Performance returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. The Manager may, at its discretion, pay dividends out of capital. • Due to the ETF’s concentration in companies in the technology sector, the price volatility of the ETF may be greater than that of ETFs tracking more broad-based indices. Unfortunately, if your browser is set up to reject Cookies you will not be able to see the content of this website. Ads help us provide you with high quality content at no cost to you. Pour de plus amples détails relatifs à l'estimation quantitative de la juste valeur, veuillez consulter, La note du fonds H2O Allegro abaissée à « Negative ». Shares of the Funds are not individually redeemable and the owners of Shares may purchase or redeem Shares from each Fund in Creation Units only. The Cookies does not contain any personally identifiable information. 首隻以追蹤恒生科技指數(又稱「港版納指」)而成立的指數基金(Exchange Traded Fund,簡稱ETF)南方東英科指(3033,下稱3033),於8月28日首日掛牌出現「錯價」情況,引起市場關注。, 南方東英科指(03033)的開市價是20元,但沒多久就「跌」至7元多,嚇了散戶一跳!, 首先,發行一隻ETF跟新股IPO有相似的地方,但也有不相似的地方。相似是,發行商要編製一本發行章程,即類似招股書的東西,詳細交代發行目標、風險、基金管理和增發與贖回機制等等的資料。, 由於ETF是基金,所以又有一張類似基金單張或月報的Fact Sheet,當中會交代它的發行價格,這個十分重要。, 不過,ETF的上市有一點很不像新股的IPO,因為新股的IPO,我們散戶可以直接參與認購,但ETF『招股』時,只有大戶可以參與。, 當某隻ETF的價格偏離資產淨值,即NAV時,市場莊家就要出來『維持秩序』,開出合理價格。, 至於參與交易商,就好像一些大戶,會聯絡自己的客戶,替她們向發行商認購單位,這一點就好像股票IPO時的機構投資者。, 另外,新股一開始就已經確定發行股數,最多只會在某些情況下再增發,但ETF則不同,參與交易商可以按市場反應,隨時向發行商要求增發或贖回單位,當然要符合最低要求。, 其實,現在開市前,即由上午9時至9時30分,屬於競價時段,簡單來說就是為每隻股份定出一個相對公平的開市價。, 但這段時間,市場莊家不能參與,所以,3033的交易商眼見二級投資者,即我們散戶,對於這隻科技ETF有很大需求,就以高價開出。, 即使正式開市後,莊家可以入場維持秩序,但又不可以開出大幅偏離市價的價格,所以只能逐步將價格壓低至接近NAV的水平!, 今次事件可能是基於資訊不流通所致,因為ETF不是股票,沒有所謂看好前景,可以炒高至幾百倍PE,所以只有跟隨她的NAV去買賣!. Get detailed information on CSOP HS TECH (3033.HK) including stock quotes, financial news, historical charts, company background, company fundamentals, company financials, insider trades, annual reports and historical prices in the Company Factsheet. If you have accessed this site using a link from another site, CSOP do not accept any liability or responsibility for the accuracy of information contained within the sites of other providers who have links to any pages of this site. CW8. Payment of dividends out of capital or effectively out of the capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Le choix des investisseurs en matière de gestion passive est relativement pauvre. Not all products will be available to all investors. Seeks Less Volatility. Holdings and sectors shown are as of the date indicated and are subject to change. The 30-day SEC yield is calculated with a standardized formula mandated by the SEC. This is indicative and for reference purposes only. Information on certain fund holdings of less than 1% may not be widely available and hence may not be included in the table of holdings shown. La note de la part A EUR (C) est abaissée à « Negative ... Focus Fonds : Amundi Funds Pioneer US High Yield. dividend income and interest income net of fees and expenses) attributable to the relevant share class and may also include net realised gains (if any) based on unaudited management accounts. Where no past performance is shown there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance. Returns beyond 1 year are annualized. The fund's total annual operating expense ratio. Aims to provide better managed approach to investing in Europe. CSOP Asset Management Limited ("CSOP") is a regulated institution in Hong Kong by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”).

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