God has vouchsafed to us a communication of His purposes. YOUR DUTY. What would you think of a child who lived day by day under the blessedness and the loving care of a devoted parent, and yet from design and purpose passed by that parent, day by day, year by year, and determinedly shut him out from all thought and consideration? There is however, to the true believer, one evidence which, apart from, and superior to all others, affixes the seal of credibility; this is the conviction of its truth arising from the indwelling of the Spirit in the heart. We must go down to the secret depth of His love, if we would solve the mystery of His willingness to die. 1. )All our faculties should glorify GodH. And yet I know nothing which you can say of the soul which you cannot also predicate of the body. (2)You have peace. the old *yeast. WHEN THE WILL SUBMITS TO HIS LAW. A consideration which robs thousands of all their pretensions to excellence! And again I ask, may it not well be used for Him in such a way as He wishes?3. They are very good servants, but very bad masters. The master end of existence, whether in angel or in man, is the glory of God. (3) By love. Let these things be combined then, and under their joint influence present your bodies a living sacrifice to God, and this will be a holy, acceptable, and reasonable service. The duty is "to glorify God with our bodies and spirits." Is it kind?"4. The *Jews usually settled or do you give to Christ your heart, but reserve your mind? Men regard their worldly business and their family duties as distinct from their religion. So they cannot become part of "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost." (4)You have a grand reversion — a hope of glory with Christ for ever. The deliverance of sinners by Christ bears a striking analogy to this. Thinking about God is not the end of God-thinking. Body and spirit include the whole man. This it is to think of God. (2)By believing and relying on all He has said. And they should aim at glorifying Him, not only by patience, by fortitude, by resignation, by acquiescence, and by thankfulness; but as all affliction is sent for the purposes of improvement, by humbling themselves before Him, by inquiring wherefore the Lord contendeth with them, by putting away their iniquities, and by giving their hearts and devoting their lives unreservedly to His will. And lastly, he was lying under the cruel tyranny of Satan, the worst of masters. In detail. The ears should be for God, listening to nothing of which He would disapprove; and the eyes, turning away from all that He would not look upon. A wonder of wonders. This light corresponds to the Christian's hope, which casts its rays heavenward, but leaves the long train of bodily appetites and necessities which go with him through life unilluminated. This is practical religion; it answers the requirements of our blessed Lord that we do His commandments. (3)Lives in the object.(D. Wilson. Let me again ask how you judge of things that you have bought, your knife, &c., which you have saved your pocket-money to buy. The form of godliness is nothing without the power; but when the form is produced by the power, it is comely and useful.3. The Christians at Corinth did not give May God forgive us, cleanse us, and help us to cast out everything that defiles the temple in which He alone has the right to dwell. Let them fulfil the great design for which God gave you knees. During the French Revolution the guillotine was invented, and the first man who suffered by it was the man who invented it. "Ye are bought with a price," says the apostle; "therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." To glorify God is to realise the aspirations of the soul into the activities of life. And "the feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace." anything disturb their *faith. They both do so because they hope for a But the sufferings by which Christ is most glorified in the body are those which we have to endure for His name's sake. This is because he wanted to behave like Writers try to put them into different groups: Paul probably began with these because the people in Corinth Faith restores to it a more elevated guardian — self-respect as being brought by Christ the organ of the Spirit and temple of God. And this is a great sin. How careful He was after His resurrection to identify His body. No wonder Paul judged it unnecessary to urge other motives.Conclusion:1. When you have made a thing for yourself, you feel that you have the best right to it. The duty is "to glorify God with our bodies and spirits." Reality! A. Your sins are forgiven for Christ's sake. He removed the curse of the law by bearing it in His own body on the tree. Men regard their worldly business and their family duties as distinct from their religion. Is is no longer ours. In the days of slavery, when one had bought a slave, he regarded that man's body, and all that the body could do, as his. Some people can take up a piece of cloth, and say, "this is so and so's make," or a picture, and say, "that is such and such a painter's piece," or a book, and say, "this is written by such a man, I know by its style." (children's sermon): — "Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him for ever." Value is clearly here, for God thinks not lightly of man, but esteems him sufficiently to buy him with the richest price conceivable. Measure the price by the bloody sweat, the Cross, the heart-break.3. (4)By forming such purposes as are in accordance with the Divine will. That the body is not to be excluded or undervalued in religion. Nothing can be more evident than the guilt of shutting out from the mind the grandest Being and the noblest idea which can reach the intellect — thought of the Infinite and Eternal One. WHEN THE WILL SUBMITS TO HIS LAW. Years had passed away when my friend received a most deeply interesting letter from this very lady, telling of how her long conflict with God had come to an end, and what happiness and peace she now felt in the complete surrender of herself to her Lord; and referring to her former conversation she said, "And now I am my own no longer, I have made myself over to God without reserve, and He is sending me to China." What spiritual eye can see men poor in spirit, and heirs of the kingdom, meek and inheriting the earth, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and filled with the Spirit; merciful, and monuments of mercy; pure in heart, and hoping to see God; persecuted for righteousness' sake, and anticipating glory and honour; reviled and persecuted, and all manner of evil spoken against them falsely for Christ's sake; and exceeding glad of this — who can behold them as the salt of the earth, as the light of the world, and remember it is the Word of God which is the instrument of all this excellence, without knowing and feeling that the giver of every good and of every perfect gift is glorified in their spirits?IV. But let us not forget that every human will is opposed to God till renewed by grace, and that after it has been renewed it is still rebellious. He removed the curse of the law by bearing it in His own body on the tree. A PRACTICAL CONCLUSION. From thence come the various actions of men pertaining to their fellows, and the other actions also which refer to God. To the man of the world this is all a mystery, perhaps a delusion. people. )Glorifying God with the bodyJ. to the *Jews. (d)To lend our service to another master. He removed the curse of the law by bearing it in His own body on the tree. Generally. It is not the religion which is most agreeable to the revelation of God, but most consonant with the opinions of the world, which they adopt. and a Greek father.) Those hands, let them be busy, useful hands. Consider here —I. And shall I not seek to glorify God with my body? without love. Man has lost, in whole or in part, since his fall, the feeling which was, so to speak, the guardian of his body, that of natural modesty. Strive after goodness — God's goodness, as a personal possession, and run along the lines of excellence and moral beauty for the fashioning of your inner and your outer life. He is the Author of eternal salvation to all them that obey Him.(W. Our bodies —(1) When we preserve them from impurity and intemperance. ‘God is really among you.’. In a word, He " purchased the Church with His own blood" (Acts 20:28). Security. Here, then, comes the question. If He bought us, He must be willing to accept, preserve, and bless us.(J. Strive after goodness — God's goodness, as a personal possession, and run along the lines of excellence and moral beauty for the fashioning of your inner and your outer life. And if thou dost otherwise(1)Thou degradest thyself from the dignity of thine own being. Man has revolted from God and, having thrown off all allegiance to Him as his Sovereign, he seeks to be a God to himself. The Temple was a holy, set apart place which God would jealously guard, so that it must live up to its designation. But when the fortunate captive heard his own name called, who can describe his exultation?2. Is it useful? The analogy is most exact with regard to the soul. "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost." Measure the price by the bloody sweat, the Cross, the heart-break.3. Our body, like everything else about us, was forfeited; just like a thing that has been put in pawn. So do not become slaves of people. 13-20; 1 Corinthians 3:17-23).II. This was the very idea which the apostle had in his mind (ver. And lastly, he was lying under the cruel tyranny of Satan, the worst of masters. "(1) By humility: considering that we have nothing which we have not received, and which has not been forfeited by sin. One single paragraph from the writings of David will show you. never to rise from the dust? WHEN THE CONSCIENCE ACKNOWLEDGES HIS AUTHORITY. If you were to perish, who would be the loser? Your hands for God. Verses 3-4 Some Christians in Corinth thought that it was more You have received for your little the fulness which is in Christ, who is all in all.2. Wilson. And all your members! —D J De Haan (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. heart. 13-20; 1 Corinthians 3:17-23).II. H. And if "any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy." A consideration which robs thousands of all their pretensions to excellence! This indicates the greatness of the cost. Therefore we should try to "glorify God" by the health of our body. W. The great encouragement we have to give ourselves to God, and employ ourselves for Him. But He has but the fewest flights toward the heavens. "And in your spiritHow God is glorified in the spiritM. (4)By profession, and our own voluntary and free acknowledgment. And the eyes, are they not inlets where-with I may first take into my very heart all the beautiful works of God in nature, and providence, and grace? You will never drive from a worldling the pursuit which engrosses him by a mere naked demonstration of its worthlessness and folly. But in a 20). (2) There is not a part of our frame which may not be the embodiment of spiritual things of the means for religious service. Jackson.Real Christians are prepared to glorify God, for they are new creatures and temples of the Holy Ghost. God says, "Use it for Me." The people of God are here especially meant, who, in a peculiar sense, are not their own, but the temples of God (vers. "Ye are not your own."1. What force and influence the consideration of our redemption ought to have upon us, to oblige us thus to glorify God. And it is under the influence of that Holy Spirit working in them both to will and to do that they are to glorify God their Saviour.I.

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